Tight Lipped is a grassroots movement by and for people with chronic vulvovaginal and pelvic pain.


We fight for a world where those with these conditions are diagnosed correctly, treated effectively, and given compassionate care.


We see a future where…

  • Everyone with vulvovaginal pain receives an accurate diagnosis and affordable, effective treatment

  • Medical institutions fund and prioritize these conditions

  • Conversations about vulvovaginal and pelvic pain find their rightful place at the table

Together, people with vulvovaginal and pelvic pain have the power to change how we imagine and understand pain, sex, ability, intimacy, and chronic illness.


Chronic vulvovaginal and pelvic pain refers to a variety of conditions that cause vulvar burning, rawness, itching, and pain; pain with penetration, UTI-like symptoms, pain with urination, sitting, and tight pants. These symptoms are remarkably common: Up to 1 in 4 people with vaginas will experience chronic vulvovaginal pain in their lifetime.

Vulvovaginal pain is often shrouded in shame, stigma, and silence. These conditions are under-researched, under-funded, and generally misunderstood by the medical community and broader society.


Tight Lipped is the first and only grassroots movement focused on ending the stigma of vulvovaginal pain and changing how healthcare systems understand and treat these conditions.

Donate now to support every person’s right to have their pain believed, diagnosed, and treated. As a small and growing organization, we couldn’t do this work without our supporters. Your support will allow us to launch our first organizing campaign, provide programming and resources for our quickly expanding community, and produce high quality podcast episodes.